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Alabama’s Mandatory Arrest Policies in Domestic Violence Cases: Understanding the Implications

Nov 19, 2023

Some Facts You Must Know If You're Accused of Domestic Violence in Alabama. The State of Alabama ta...

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Alabama’s Domestic Violence Diversion Programs: Alternatives to Traditional Criminal Proceedings

Oct 24, 2023

How does Law Commonly define Domestic Violence? Domestic violence, in Alabama and most states, is s...

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Felonies vs. Misdemeanors: What’s the Difference in Alabama?

Sep 18, 2023

What Constitutes a Misdemeanor Charge in Alabama? There is an enormous difference between being cha...

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Exploring Alabama’s Stand Your Ground Law: Implications for Self-Defense Cases

Sep 14, 2023

General Facts About the Alabama Stand Your Ground Law. Alabama’s “stand your ground” does all...

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Drug Possession Laws in Alabama: Penalties, Defenses, and Legal Considerations

Aug 17, 2023

How Harsh Are the Drug Possession Laws in Alabama? If you’re charged with a drug crime in Alabama...

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Is A Dhr Safety Plan Legally Binding?

Apr 26, 2023

What Is A DHR Safety Plan? The Department of Human Resources can show up at your house when an alle...

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